Wednesday, October 7, 2015

New News

I can say that news can be found in a lot of places not just the Internet. I  look for news about games and voice actors on the Internet. I will use my Newsstand app on my phone for news about Forbes Magazine or Lowe's Creative Ideas Magazine. A long time ago I would read the New York Post because I had Current events assignments for class.

One place I go for news on a daily basis is  Behind The Voice Actor. I like to catch up on shows and game actors play.I Visit Yahoo and Google sometimes for news because I don't have a cable box to watch regular TV shows.

Another place I get news from is Gamespot. They post recent news about games, movies and deals on various items. I also play a lot of Pokemon so I check out Serebii and Pokemon Database for new information.

Even though I find information from these sites I like to check out other sources for validation. Some news articles never tell the whole story. Others are bias and there are the few that are legit. The legit story or articles are consistent threw out the sites.


  1. Hello Steve,
    Great blog. I forgot that news is not only current events or just things going on in our world, news can be just a new game coming out or sports. Your blog definitely made me remember that! Thanks.

  2. Hi Steve,
    You have shared quite a few places you go for news information. This is an intriguing window into your worldview--we see your interests and web habits all rolled into one.
    I wonder, can you share a news item, specifically? One that grabbed your attention?

  3. One article I find myself looking into is the SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild‐American Federation of Television and Radio Artists) video game strike. Voice actors feel as though they are not being paid enough for their services. Proposals that many insist on is getting a bonus for every two million units sold. Another request is getting a stunt coordinators or doubles for performance capture.

  4. Hey Steve,
    I also agree with you. I do feel like you can really find the news any where. Witch is crazy because I just remember growing up 3 ways, TV, Newspaper and people around the neighbor , funny but true. Now you can gets news from any where.
