Blogging When You Don't Have an Interest in Blogging.
What should I write about today? I just don't really know. There are many topics that would be appropriate for this blog assignment, but unfortunately nothing is giving me any sort of satisfaction. Well, how about that; it seems I have something to offer the masses after all.
Let me take you on a short tangent real quick. I marvel at the thought of social media. Having the ability to connect with people you know, want to know, rather not know, or deemed "Call 911!" around the world, in real time, is very convenient and has many perks. There are sites and applications where you are able to find a job, get consoled, get the newest trend, and even find a new best friend, whether real or made up. But I guess my question is "What drives an individual to want to share pretty much anything about themselves with people they don't know?" Or better yet, get angry, sad, mopey, or (insert pathetic adjective here) because someone didn't like what you posted; YOU POSTED IT!
Okay, lets get back on track. Why don't I have any desire to share things publicly? We live in an era where the majority of people put their everyday lives on the internet for the world to peruse (because some people just can't "survive" without knowing what another person did, ate, read, bought, etc. today), so why aren't I part of the majority?
Do I have some sort of medical problem because I really have no interest in sharing things with the general public, either through a blog or via social media, and am perfectly comfortable with that decision? I seriously doubt it, but maybe I need to make an appointment with a psychiatrist just to be sure.
Now I like the basic concept of a blog and yes, I actually read some now and then. I also appreciate the ease of getting information, and some opinions, through blogs when I am researching something or have a quick interest on a topic. But the question I haven't found an answer to yet is "What is the attraction to NEED feedback from people you don't even know?" Is it a desire for instant gratification like a participation trophy or a want for not being alone and the internet is the only answer? Well I may have a couple of solutions to these problems that normal maturation usually covers. First, rejection is a reality so get yourself prepared to hearing the word no. Next, not everyone is a winner. Like the Yin to the Yang, there has to be at least one loser everytime someone wins. The sooner we learn this, the easier we can acknowledge it and move on. Thirdly, lift your head from the constant ""looking at my phone so I don't have to look at anyone" posture and interact with someone. You would be surprised how much a simple "Hello" greeting can boost someone's day. Fourth, ... oops, another tangent, sorry about that.
So here is what I think I'm trying to say: I don't think there is a problem with not wanting to blog, it is just a personal preference. Or maybe it's that I use a little more common sense than the average individual; I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
I appreciate the tangent about getting off our phones and interacting with people. That has definitely become a problem! I've never blogged before and I found it especially difficult to pick a topic for today's blog as well, but I like where you went with this one! Being straightforward about your thoughts through the assignment. Nice work!
I couldn't pick a subject easily either, so I just went with the continued internet theme. It was great having a few paragraphs about how you couldn't decide on a subject. You were definitely correct about people not interacting face to face anymore. We really should do more of it because as great as electronic communication is it will never substitute an actual conversation.
Great post, Ray! I am with you--I saw that Venn diagram about Twitter (ha!) and it did make me laugh. But it's not always about the narcissism, ADHD, and stalking. For example, I really only use it to keep in touch with my best friend and her family, who live in England. We follow the same sorts of Tweeters (Neil Degrasse Tyson, for example), and some comics like Rob Delany. I use it for entertainment, probably more passively?
Imagine that social media is partly narcissistic but sometimes a place for community. The community can be Mr. Money Mustache (a financial blogger), where I've learned quite a bit about intensely hardcore personal finance (is that a thing?), and there is a community to cheer others on. It's informational and inspirational, but it's still a small community. This doesn't mean you have to be a blogger, certainly. Hopefully the exercise is worthwhile nonetheless.
I appreciate the tangent about getting off our phones and interacting with people. That has definitely become a problem! I've never blogged before and I found it especially difficult to pick a topic for today's blog as well, but I like where you went with this one! Being straightforward about your thoughts through the assignment. Nice work!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't pick a subject easily either, so I just went with the continued internet theme. It was great having a few paragraphs about how you couldn't decide on a subject. You were definitely correct about people not interacting face to face anymore. We really should do more of it because as great as electronic communication is it will never substitute an actual conversation.
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Ray! I am with you--I saw that Venn diagram about Twitter (ha!) and it did make me laugh. But it's not always about the narcissism, ADHD, and stalking. For example, I really only use it to keep in touch with my best friend and her family, who live in England. We follow the same sorts of Tweeters (Neil Degrasse Tyson, for example), and some comics like Rob Delany. I use it for entertainment, probably more passively?
ReplyDeleteImagine that social media is partly narcissistic but sometimes a place for community. The community can be Mr. Money Mustache (a financial blogger), where I've learned quite a bit about intensely hardcore personal finance (is that a thing?), and there is a community to cheer others on. It's informational and inspirational, but it's still a small community. This doesn't mean you have to be a blogger, certainly. Hopefully the exercise is worthwhile nonetheless.