Wednesday, October 28, 2015


(Image from Creative Ideas)

Are you planning a party or trying to renovate your bathroom? Whatever your project may be you can do it all by yourself with a little help from the web.

The web has provided people with a place of convenience to do and received just about anything. Experts and creative minds are given the flexibility to share their ideas on the web to influence and assist others on the projects they may be working on. People no longer have to take classes or purchase expensive books and magazines to repair or build something. This idea is known as DIY.

What does “DIY” stand for? DIY stands for, “Do it yourself.” The acronym or abbreviation is usually used to refer to building, repairing or crafting something without the actual help from an expert in the field. 

By doing things yourself, you will be able to save a ton of money. Based on an article from Bankrate, “DIY dilemma: Hire or play the pro?,” you can save an average of between 25 to 50 percent by doing things yourself.

(Image from Giphy)

Nowadays, DIY ideas exist for pretty much anything you can think of. One of my favorite DIY are  cooking recipes. My husband and I are big fans of the television show, The Master Chef. Every time I watch the show I always get excited and would challenge myself to make the dishes that appear on the show. My most favorite cooking recipe that I’ve learned from the web is the French Macarons. I’ll warn you that the DIY instructions seemed easier than it actually was. I watched YouTube videos from ladylovecakes and followed the step by step instructions from Food Networks until finally I was able to master the French Macaron.
(Image from Giphy)

DIY projects can be fun and creative as well. With Christmas just around the corner, why not save a little and craft some homemade gifts. Ideas for gifts could be gathered from Pinterest, just search, "Homemade Christmas Gifts." There are endless DIY ideas that may be helpful to you, so get innovative this holiday season.
Benjamin Franklin once said, "You can do anything you set your mind to."

Harassment at its Finest.

Social media is incredible. We can now interact with people all across the world with little to no wait time! We don't even need the address of the person we want to talk to, just the username or some piece of it. In fact, you don't even need to know the person you are talking to! It used to be that the only way you were going to meet strangers would be if you walked out of your house and started talking to the new faces you saw on the street.

For those of you who love the inside of your house as much as I do, you know how daunting a task that can seem. Yet, interacting with new people on the web is almost required, at least in regards to social media. Strangers follow your accounts, comment on your posts, like your pictures, and in order to thrive on social media, you need strangers!

And of course, you follow, comment, and like the content of strangers as well! On occasion, those strangers happen to be famous. If a celebrity wants to stay relevant to the public, then they practically need an account on every platform of social media, and there are many different platforms. The up-side to celebrities using social media is how human it makes them feel. It used to be that the only thing people saw about the rich and famous were pictures of them walking down the red carpet, or highly staged outings. Yet, ever since one brave (or invasive) magazine began their article Stars, They're Just Like us!, people started craving proof that famous people were just as average as the rest of us. 

Now, we get behind the scenes looks into their lives nearly everyday! And we can like, comment, and share all of their content, all in the hopes that they will take notice of one of the thousands of nameless URLs following them on the web. For the most part, it's common to see praise left in the comments, or fan art tagged so the celebrity can find it. And yet, sadly, there are those horrible comments left by disgruntled fans or people with strong opinions and little common decency that tear down the owner of the account. 

I took a personal interest in this side of social media one day when I was scanning the twitter account of one of the members of the popular boyband, One Direction. They had tweeted about something very innocuous, and then in came the flood of replies, both relevant and irrelevant. I was scrolling down when one of the replies caught my eye, and not at all in a good way.
 The tweet itself was sent out by a fifteen year old girl! It's both disturbing and rude, and the farther down I scrolled, the more I began to notice these kinds of replies.

It almost seemed like these people were posting without the knowledge that people could see what they write. We've all been warned over and over again that what we put on the web stays on the web and follows us through life. Yet these people were posting things both cruel and crude without forethought! Not only will this affect them, but despite being a stranger on the web, it's still hurtful to the person on the receiving end.

While social media has connected people in a good way, its also increased the ways in which a person can be harassed and insulted, especially celebrities. No longer does a person have to wait for hours for someone famous to leave their hotel room in order to yell "I hate you!" Instead, they can simply log on to any site and write on the person's page any negative thing they have to say. 

How the internet makes our lives better

Everyone these days knows about the internet. They also know that the internet can be used for good or bad reasons. I have chosen to focus on all the good things the internet has given us.
When a person immigrates to America leaving the area where their entire family lives it is very stressful. Also when a soldier is deployed overseas for a long period of time, nothing can be more stressful than that. Talking to them on the phone just isn't the same as going on the computer and using Skype to communicate with them. Its getting to physically see that they are alright, nothing could give a family more comfort.

Image result for skype pictures
Google image

       Another good thing the internet is for is information. When we want it and what we want it about in seconds. No more spending hours at the library looking through book after book to find the information for a paper or maybe you just want an answer to that question that is stuck in your head. There are more than enough search engines to choose from. And not only information, but belongings too. Pay by credit card and get the item as soon as the next day.
Image result for search engines
Google image
Image result for amazon
Google image

Blogging When You Don't Have an Interest in Blogging.

    What should I write about today? I just don't really know. There are many topics that would be appropriate for this blog assignment, but unfortunately nothing is giving me any sort of satisfaction. Well, how about that; it seems I have something to offer the masses after all.

    Let me take you on a short tangent real quick. I marvel at the thought of social media. Having the ability to connect with people you know, want to know, rather not know, or deemed "Call 911!" around the world, in real time, is very convenient and has many perks. There are sites and applications where you are able to find a job, get consoled, get the newest trend, and even find a new best friend, whether real or made up. But I guess my question is "What drives an individual to want to share pretty much anything about themselves with people they don't know?" Or better yet, get angry, sad, mopey, or (insert pathetic adjective here) because someone didn't like what you posted; YOU POSTED IT!

    Okay, lets get back on track. Why don't I have any desire to share things publicly? We live in an era where the majority of people put their everyday lives on the internet for the world to peruse (because some people just can't "survive" without knowing what another person did, ate, read, bought, etc. today), so why aren't I part of the majority?

    Do I have some sort of medical problem because I really have no interest in sharing things with the general public, either through a blog or via social media, and am perfectly comfortable with that decision? I seriously doubt it, but maybe I need to make an appointment with a psychiatrist just to be sure.

    Now I like the basic concept of a blog and yes, I actually read some now and then. I also appreciate the ease of getting information, and some opinions, through blogs when I am researching something or have a quick interest on a topic. But the question I haven't found an answer to yet is "What is the attraction to NEED feedback from people you don't even know?" Is it a desire for instant gratification like a participation trophy or a want for not being alone and the internet is the only answer? Well I may have a couple of solutions to these problems that normal maturation usually covers. First, rejection is a reality so get yourself prepared to hearing the word no. Next, not everyone is a winner. Like the Yin to the Yang, there has to be at least one loser everytime someone wins. The sooner we learn this, the easier we can acknowledge it and move on. Thirdly, lift your head from the constant ""looking at my phone so I don't have to look at anyone" posture and interact  with someone. You would be surprised how much a simple "Hello" greeting can boost someone's day. Fourth, ... oops, another tangent, sorry about that.

    So here is what I think I'm trying to say: I don't think there is a problem with not wanting to blog, it is just a personal preference. Or maybe it's that I use a little more common sense than the average individual; I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Internet Change the World

                                                        Google Image

Just imagine what would will happen if internet never exist?  Today, there are about 3 billion internet users in 2015.  Internet have become more involving in our daily life especially technology became more advanced and complicated each years. Internet help us make our life better and easier in many different ways.

                                                     Google Image

First of all, internet allow us to communicate throughout the world. Back in the day, people have to go far a distance to communicate with others, and plus phone wasn’t advance at that time. Now, the internet become more advance which allowed people to communicate with other people from different part of countries.  My grandma living in New York, and I only see her once or twice a year. However, now I could FaceTime with my grandma every week without going over there.   Also, email is another way that people can communicate with one another.  Sending an email is instantaneous, and people who received can responded immediately.  In the 1800s, people use birds to communicate, but sometime the birds can take couple of days to deliver the messages to the other people. For school work, I have to send an electronic file to my teacher for classwork assigment, I could send an email to the teacher immediately without waiting for the next day.   

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Research is one of influences that Internet change the world. Again, back to the 1900s, people didn’t have any internet to do their school works and other things.  But now, internet have so many features that people could do. I remembered when I did the research paper for English class, I went to the web to find sources.  I didn’t have to go to library and search the books that I am looking for.  I could search books that available online.  I am glad that I have the internet access to find sources on the web. Just imagine without internet, we will have to go to library everytime to do the research. 

People have more technology devices in their home than ever before.  I have big family, there are six people in the house and each individuals have their own electronic devices, including my youngest brother. Most of them carry small device such as phone, smartwatch, and other Bluetooth devices with them.  On my phone, whenever news events occurring around the world, it will notify me immediately rather watch on the TV or hear someone talk about it.   Moreover, there’s website just for the weather . This website not only cover world’s weather, but it also cover my local area weather.  In the morning, I always checking on the weather news to see what the weather is look like in my local area. Without news website, I won’t know what to wear and I would be unprepared for that day.

In the long run, internet have allow us to do more things than we can ever before.  Internet bring people together, share information with one another through social medias and online mails. 

Why would you say such horrible things

Bullying usually occurs during school or after school. They say it starts in early childhood and can develop into aggressive behavior.  Bullying has changed over the years. explains it as "unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance".

Now more than ever people have tried to stop bullying. It only takes one person to speak up for someone else. With the invention of the computers bullying has found it's way without face-to-face interactions. Bullying can be broken down into categories.
  1. Verbal which includes (Teasing, name-calling, and taunting)
  2. Social (Spreading rumors, Embarrassing someone, and leaving someone out)
  3. Physical (Hitting, pushing, and spitting)
The problem with Cyber bullying is the other person is anonymous. Bullies will constantly try to aggravate and tease you. Cyber bullying leads to some people committing suicide, while others are left depressed, low self-esteem, and have more health problems.
In this video it explains how to beat cyber bullying.

Torrenting: Right or Wrong?

         The number one goal of companies such as Sony, Time Warner, and Universal is to sell us, the consumers, their media. So, then, what happens when consumers figure out how to freely acquire what media companies wish to sell for profit?

        Other than when my parents gifted me the Anti-Flag album Mobilize in 6th grade, I can't remember the last time I bought the physical copy of an album, T.V. show, or movie.

        Yeah, I used to be all about punk-rock.

The cover of Anti-Flag's 4th album, Mobilize. Source
       The debate on copyrighted property and the illegal distribution of it online is just as much of a moralistic as it is a legal one. It is highly unlikely that the majority of those that torrent their media consciously reflect on the morally ambiguous nature of their actions, even if that same person would claim to never steal from another person. Perhaps this is because of the detached relationship that the individual has with large companies, unlike that with other individuals.

        Imagine if an indie video game developer released a game on a market such as Steam, but no one bought it. Instead, everyone went to one of the numerous torrent sites found online to "pirate" (a term re-appropriated to designate the act of illegally downloading copyrighted media) the game. With no forethought, the cumulative decision by consumers to not pay the developer for the game directly results in the subsequent discontinuance of future game projects by the developer.

        Now image the same scenario, except an equal amount of people that torrented the game in the first scenario bought the game instead from proper distribution channels. With the revenue generated from game sales, the developer is able to expand their operation and continue to develop games of increasing quality for video game fans to consume.

        At a glace, one scenario benefits the consumer and the other the developer. However, when looked at from a more analytical point of view, it becomes clear that, technically, both benefit the consumer, while one only benefits the consumer and not the developer. In the latter scenario, the revenue generated from game sales allowed for the developer to keep creating games, which has a mutual benefit for both parties - the consumer gets to keep enjoying new games, and the developer is able to make money off of the consumer.

        As demonstrated, the debate on whether or not it is "right" for people to illegally download media instead of paying for it is not as black and white as it may seem at face-value. 

        To be honest, I conveniently ignore the moral implications of torrenting. On one hand, it is stealing, no matter what mental gymnastics takes place in order to justify doing so. On the other hand, why wouldn't I take advantage of the ability to download nearly any movie, album, game, or show for free? I wouldn't steal from a store, and I wouldn't steal from another person, and it may be illegal, but am I really cheating the producers of media?

        To answer my own question, yes, I probably am, but will I stop torrenting? ...Probably not.

So what the heck is this Parkour thing anyway?

You guys have probably heard the comedic yells of those jumping on chairs and yelling "Parkour!" with an ironic lack of skill. While we know this ^ isn't Parkour, the question remains, what is it?
well to do that we have to go back in time to around World War I with the invention of the military obstacle course

Alright, so the military obstacle course was invented by a man named Georges Herbert. During the first World War, Georges was inspired by indigenous tribes in Africa to adopt their athleticism and skill, noting their lack of training except for their interaction with nature.  Returning to France, he began to teach physical education in "Methode naturalle" which used body weight and natural movements to train the body; climbing, walking, running, balancing, quadrupedal movement, etc...
This was then implemented into French military training, becoming the standard. a Swiss architect then invented a military obstacle course called the "parcours du combattant" these have since become standard in military training across the world.

Years later, in 1939, Raymond Belle was born in Vietnam. During the First Indochina War he lost both of his parents and was sent to a military orphanage at the age of 7. During that time he began to train the Parcours du combattant, vowing to never be a victim again. He would train longer and harder than those around him, constantly trying to improve himself and become better to combat the horrific experiences he had as a child.  at the age of 19 he joined the Paris Fire Brigade. His son, David Belle, would go on to learn of his fathers training in "Parcours" and be inspired by his fathers exploits as a fireman to help herald the Parkour we know today. So I bet you would like to finally know what the heck this stuff is? That is, of course, if you are still awake after reading this.

Now for the fun stuff!

 While there are a certain number of moves one can learn as a baseline, these aren't set in stone. One of the beliefs for parkour is to constantly improve. Like Raymond Belle and his son, pushing your boundaries and capabilities is paramount. With that comes the responsibility to understand your limits, know that maybe you won't make that gap, or that your vaulting skills need some work; you cannot run if you haven't crawled first. Because of this, starting Parkour can seem a daunting task, though with the right mindset and some time on your hands, anyone can do it. yes you do need to be physically fit but that is actually a result instead of a prerequisite.
I have been practicing parkour for about 8 years, and I absolutely love it. I've done many sports in my life and neither was I proficient, nor interested. What got me itching to climb and explore was thegame called Mirrors Edge.

 This was a First person video game that simulated Parkour, and it was the reason I wanted to initially start it. Since then, I've learned that I enjoy it because it gives me freedom. no longer do am I contained by the sidewalk or restrained by what I think I cannot do, because If I can climb buildings and do impossible things, then I can certainly talk to that girl, or nail that job interview. The possibilities are endless.

(This one is actually of me)

There a couple resources for those who would like to get started in Parkour, there are a number of Gyms that specialize in teaching and training (if classic DIY isn't your forte). What to wear is pretty simple:


Comfortable sweatpants and a t-shirt are all that is needed (I personally don't recommend gloves)
Shoes are the most important, as running shoes are a big no go. single tread shoes are the best, brands like Feiyue, Kswiss, or Ollo have shoes that are widely used for Parkour. A durable, comfortable shoe is important. Whatever shoe that you feel comfortable and confident in your abilities in, wear it. Though that is a whole other article that can be discussed, Here are some helpful links instead. Enjoy!

Best place to start

Parkour gym in Fredricksburg

Parkour gym in Manassas (they have places in Maryland and Alexandria as well)

The original Parkour gym for the U.S, located in D.C. (This is where I learned and is home to the Tribe team, one of the first american Parkour teams)
They are also the eastern hub of  the American Parkour Association (APK)

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Where in the web do you receive the daily heralding of current events?

Where do I go on the Web for news? to be honest I don't go to traditional media except for citations and fact checking. Besides Imgur, I spend a lot of my time on YouTube, watching "Let's Play's", Top 10 lists, and the occasional, music playlist (for music that is literally impossible to purchase). when I want to be informed, the main few channels I go to are Source-fed, The Know, Source-fed Nerd, and the Philip Defranco Show. Source-fed, Source-fed Nerd, and the Philip Defranco Show (PDS are actually all under the PDS as the star of this one man show had created a company and those two channels. The first of these channels is the Know:
(couldn't find funny Gif, I've failed!)
This channel is mainly for video game related news, that being a hobby of mine, I like to stay informed on the latest news in the industry. The thing i like about them (a trend for all of my news ventures), is that they are very explicit with their sources, conclusions, and analyzations of the news they present. they make it very clear when something is on opinion or not to be taken as fact.

Moving onto my more watched channels are: Source-fed and it's sister Nerd channel. The regular channel focuses on news stories exclusively, while the Nerd channel focuses on all forms of entertainment exclusively. what i like most about these channels is that they are forward with their opinions, and that they always ask for comments from their viewership. The level of communication is closer than with traditional television. There is a screen of professionalism that just loses me with traditional media. Source-fed isn't afraid to make jokes or be brutally honest, plus they make a good point of making their sources (is that a pun?) available to the public. when they mess up or laugh during a skit it isn't edited out, which makes them seem more relatable at least to me. The hosts casual nature and honesty gives the impression of just a conversation with a friend who wanted to share with you information.

( there are more than three hosts, I believe there are currently six)

Moving to the channel I view the most, and get my news from daily: The Philip Defranco Show. This show, while retaining it's "one man" format, has grown a lot since it's started. The you-tuber (Defranco), started his own channel and has since made Source-Fed a company with many branching channels and employees. The thing I love about this channel is the complete honesty and openness he has with his news.

The format of his show is him talking about the things he found interesting today, "Today in Awesome", occasionally he has a segment on his "D-bag of the day", and then he talks about "Newsy type stuff and things" where he shares what he has for the news and his take from it. As i have sad before, he is transparent in his opinions and makes it known that what he does is something he enjoys and could also make a living from. he is simply a guy with a camera that reports his internet findings on the news and cool things he has seen.

Generally the reason I watch these channels, is because the traditional news is so filled with bias and misinformation passing itself for fact, that I would rather be told when someone is being biased, that way it is easier to not believe an opinion for fact. Philip is also a wealth of knowledge, giving life advice in a large amounts of his videos that are useful and give light to his personal moral compass and what he believes in. For me it is more enjoyable to see other people doing what they love and loving what they do, than being told how horrible something is or why I should agree with something, these channels leave me to my own conclusions and give me tools to make my own personal opinion based on personal research.

Where oh where do I News?

I do not go to the internet for news very much, but when I do I like to use Inside NOVA. Normally I will see a post on Facebook that I am interested in and it will take me to the site. Inside NOVA covers news from Stafford to Loudoun and reports on everything from neighborhood events and politics to sports. Inside NOVA is a really good source for keeping up with all of the local high school sports as well. You can normally find discount offers or coupons on the site as well.

When I am searching for sports news or information, I go to the mother ship of all sports reporting sites ESPN. The site has scores for all active games in all sports college and pro at the top of the page. As awesome as that is you can find highlights for just about anything relevant to sports and an endless posting of sports articles.

As most sport enthusiast, if I am not able to watch sports the next best thing is to listen to sports or those that talk about sports for a living. When I'm in the car I normally have the radio station locked in on 106.7 The Fan. With shows like "The Junkies" in the AM, "Grant and Danny" for lunch and "Chad Dukes Verses The World", I not only getting good sports news reporting, but a good amount of comedy relief as well. On my  way home in the evenings I can sometimes catch a Washington National's baseball game or a Redskin's football game. I  LOVE this station!

Inside Scoop?

Getting the inside scoop is so unnecessarily stressful for me! I almost dread going to the major news sites. For some reason  when I log onto a news site I always feel like I'm walking past the perfume ladies at the department store. There are so many articles that I have absolutely no interest in and no matter what I do they just won't go away. I mean, seriously, knowing how many times Kylie Jenner wakes with a new crayola in her head does not attract me at all. But I do want to know more about politics and international relations. Only if I actually understood the things that I was reading. Reading a political article always makes me feel like I just walked into the middle of a lecture of a class I don't belong in. 

I guess you could say when it comes to reading the news that I want to be catered to. I want a source that features topics that I would actually read about. A site that delivers the news to me in a way that makes me think I'm in the loop. Make me feel smart! And then a site that lets me show off my new intellect to everyone else. All of that good stuff. Unfortunately, that site doesn't exist.

But I guess I could settle for three separate sites instead.  Vice is my go to for anything I want to keep up to date on from news to fashion and food. After Vice, we go to Mic. Mic is like my translator from CNN gibberish to lazy college student lingo. That is my ticket into the loop. I actually understand what I am reading and it makes me feel smart! What do I do with this "smartness"? I take it on over to Slate to drop some knowledge on those folks. Slate allows its users to discuss particular articles with other Slate users in the commenting forum. That's where I make it rain with cold hard facts. 

With these three sites under my belt I know everything. (Well not everything but I surely feel like I do.) 

Where I go for news.

It is hard for me to admit that I don't actively seek out the news. I don't have a bookmarked page or an application on my home page dedicated to a news site. When I stumble upon some new development in the world, it is usually on my Tumblr dash, accompanies a rant on Facebook, or is suggested on Buzzfeed. I also rarely sit down and watch the news on television.

I don't know if it says something about my maturity that I might actually be avoiding the news. There is merit in knowing what is happening to the world around you. Some of the bigger events can directly affect you or the people around you. It also goes without saying that knowledge is power. Yet, it feels like every time I happen upon a news article or walk by the t.v. it is just tragedy after tragedy.

That being said! If I had to pick the site that I happen upon the most news, it would have to be Buzzfeed. Along with their frivolous articles and ridiculous quizzes, Buzzfeed also reports on events in the news, though they tend to be a bit more biased. In the article by Kendall Taggart and Alex Campbell, the writing is very narrative and descriptive. The tone they use is angry and indignant. This is probably why I enjoy reading their news articles (it might also be because of the bright pictures and large text). Often times, news articles are written in an expository style, straight to the point and mostly facts. I am an emotional person, and thus I feel more validated when I read something that shares my opinions already (a dangerous idea, since one should know all sides of an argument before sharing their opinions).

My Destination for Information

    Upon pondering where I navigate the internet to get information regarding current events, I was mildly surprised to realize, that since my retirement, I don't seek out as much knowledge as I did previously while on active duty.

    I had always been one to read a newspaper (an actual hold in your hands and turn the page type), searched the web for events that were relative to my work or life, and vaguely paid attention to most of the other randomness that our society deems important. When I moved to Virginia, I actually tried to watch the local television newscasts, thinking that being so close to our nation's capital would be a great source of information to keep me updated about the important goings on in the world.

    Unfortunately, I soon found myself disgusted by what was deemed "newsworthy" per the local news agencies and how biased, both culturally and racially, this area was in regards to what was regularly covered and realized that I was not going to get many answers by watching the "local news."

    To redirect myself back to the topic (stupid tangents), currently I don't really search for that much news content. I try to find out what the current traffic patterns/problems are by listening to a local radio station in the morning, Thunder 104.5, as most of us know that traffic in our area S.U.C.K.S!, and I usually get the weather forecast from an application on my iPad.

    I also try to stay connected to my favorite sports teams so I frequent ESPN on a regular basis and for more in-depth information on the greatest teams in the world, I go to the Seattle Seahawks, Oregon DucksPortland Trailblazers, Portland Timbers, and Seattle Mariners web sites.

    For the regular news I usually just scan highlights when I check my email on and if necessary, or I'm just curious, I have been known to visit CNNMSNBC, and Al Jazeera for my knowledge fix. And if for some reason I can't find what I'm looking for anywhere else, Google is my catch-all.

    I know it may seem boring to many of you, but being disconnected from most of the unimportant commotion that is thrust upon society is kind of a calming therapy to me. And as Bruce Banner likes to say, "Please don't make me angry, you won't like it when I'm angry."

New News

I can say that news can be found in a lot of places not just the Internet. I  look for news about games and voice actors on the Internet. I will use my Newsstand app on my phone for news about Forbes Magazine or Lowe's Creative Ideas Magazine. A long time ago I would read the New York Post because I had Current events assignments for class.

One place I go for news on a daily basis is  Behind The Voice Actor. I like to catch up on shows and game actors play.I Visit Yahoo and Google sometimes for news because I don't have a cable box to watch regular TV shows.

Another place I get news from is Gamespot. They post recent news about games, movies and deals on various items. I also play a lot of Pokemon so I check out Serebii and Pokemon Database for new information.

Even though I find information from these sites I like to check out other sources for validation. Some news articles never tell the whole story. Others are bias and there are the few that are legit. The legit story or articles are consistent threw out the sites.

Where I go for news

I go to a few places for news. It may not  consist of news someone else is looking up. I generally like IFLS articles that have to do with space. One of the recent articles that I have read is about Space Mining . I really do think space is our future, and one of the things that interest me is mining in space for raw and rare resources found on earth. Sometimes the articles on IFLScience are not that great, but every now and then there are gems.

There are other places I like to go. One of the websites I keep my eye on is rock and ice for articles on safety, and sometimes even tragic deaths. You can learn a lot, but sometimes for fun, just the video weekend whippers to see either really bad accidents or screwups, and sometimes fun falls. 

I don't care too much about things on the news like CCN or Fox news. I just find a lot of bias or poorly reported. It is always negative or very serious issues. There is never a light at the end of the tunnel with them. I just stay away now.

Where Do I Go For News?

 News events could affect people in everyday life.   Sometimes there’re things that people cannot see what’s happening around the world; however, but the news organizations such as Fox News, The Washington Post, The New York Times, CNN, 60 Minutes, post online news that allow people to know what’s going on around the world immediately.  There are variety of topics in the news websites that people could choose for, such as opinion, tech, science, health, etc.  News influence our thoughts toward world events.  Personally, I go on the news website because it saves time and is easy to access the topic that I am looking for.  

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When it comes knowing what’s going on around the world, I prefer to go on different news websites based on their political bias.  Fox News  is one of news websites that I will go on. Fox New views toward more conservative than liberal side.  According to Jesse Holcomb, an associate research director for the Pew Research Center, the graph showed which of the presidential campaign is better between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney in 2012.  Fox News have acted more negative sides toward Obama because he was presidential candidate for the democratic side.  My parents always watch the Fox News during morning and evening time, and ABC news on the specific evening time.  My parents are one of reasons that influence me go on those news websites, also because they are conservative.  Unlike New York Times, its view toward more liberal. .  Both of news websites that I would go on and getting ideas about the world events.  The neutral political website that I would go to is The Independent.  The Independent is news organization in U.K that cover news around the world and doesn’t support any political party.  People should not stick with one website that focus on one side of views, but also check what other news websites that talk about the same topic.

Thirdly, CNET is my favorite news of all when it comes to technology.  CNET is a news organization that cover latest consumer technology and how technology can change people life. Its web also provide deals that people can purchase.  I am big fan of technology.  Recently, Roger Cheng, an editor for CNET News, wrote about that 5G network won't come until 2017, also, it won’t come full availability until 2020.  This news not only cover what technology coming out, but also specific detail and deal about the product.

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 Moreover, ESPN is one of sport websites that I go on four times a week.  ESPN broadcast sports like Tennis, Football, Baseball, Soccer, and so on. The best part of this is that it allows me to select my favorite team based on the sport and cover the news on it. Additional, it broadcasts live sports, which I am not miss anything on TV.

In the end, news website cover variety of topics for viewers to searching their topic. People prefer to go on news that posted on the website rather newspaper or TV due to everyone carry their smartphone with them or using computer.   News web will always have bias based on the topic. Not every news websites are reliable and trustworthy, it all depending what people search and what news website they looking at.

Where Do I Go To Get The News?

To be completely honest I don't even try to look for news. I see my mom every morning reading the news paper and I can't remember the last time I even held one to actually read it. I use the newspaper for arts and crafts or to cover up the floor when I'm painting. It's sad to say but it's true. The older generation use to plan reading the newspaper into their daily routine. When I was younger I can remember when I would stay at my uncle's house and every morning when I would wake up and walk downstairs, he'd be at the table already, drinking his coffee and reading the newspaper. He would have piles and piles of newspapers on the dinning room table.

Nowadays, the younger generation can obtain their news by opening their twitter apps on their phone when they wake up in the morning.

Now I'm not saying that I'm not aware of what is going on in the world and our nation. I find out by my phone. Tweets, IG posts, Ads etc. That's how I find out the news. Local news I can find usually through my email or my mom, after she reads the newspaper that day. On my twitter account, I follow BBC news and FOX news accounts.

I love this because as something is happening, I can see the live tweets and updates that the news channel is posting. Instead of trying to find a TV or radio, I can just whip out my phone and open Twitter. Then, for my friends who don't follow any news accounts, I can retweet it and keep my followers updated. 

When I was younger, it was the daily routine for me and my mom to watch the FOX 5 news team every morning. I miss that routine. However, my schedule and her schedule doesn't allow that.  


Where do I go for News?
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Where do I go for News?

            I am a person who actually loves the news. I feel like it’s very important to know what’s going on in the world we live in. Yes people say it’s depressing and they don’t want to hear all that bad stuff. However I really enjoy starting my day off with listening to the news as I’m getting dress. You learn and you can get so much information from the news. You can get your weather, traffic, social, environment, and political views on your area and the world. I tell everyone to make sure they get the news from some source because you never want to be in the dark about what’s going on in your neighborhood and world.

Well, I actually would say that I enjoy the news from all kinds of sources. There is more than one way to find out the news and each source will deliver it differently.  I feel like it’s important that people go find the news from some type of source so they can be informed on what’s going on in the world.  Now just remember just like the internet everything you read or hear doesn’t make it true. People have to remember that the news is almost everywhere you go. You can find the news at work, gym, school, internet, newspaper, radio and right outside your front door.

Since I enjoy reading I really enjoy picking up the local surrounding areas news paper and if I can’t I will watch it on T.V. I work in a gym so we always have some type on news channel on from Fox too CNN. I personal like CNN more, to me there more liberal and they give different opinions and point of views. Now I don’t care for FOX news at all but I do watch it to hear from the opposing side of things. I do feel like FOX news is very biases. This is one kind of news show. I can watch Wendy Williams, The View and ESPN they all deliver news just in different ways and different news.  I wouldn’t say I prefer one TV show over the other however I do feel just like some shows are more bias then others and some don’t deliver all the information.  I don’t go on Facebook to get the News. However I do know they have their way of delivering it. I would say that I have found out information there that I would got from the news or the paper. Social Media from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to name a few produce some type of news. These days my Iphone just reports all kinds of news to my phone, which I like. Once I do find out some information that catches my attention then I usually will Google the topic so I can learn more. It’s funny because I remember running to the TV to see what the weathers going to be, but now I just can look at my phone.

 It really all boils down what people call news, there are so many areas that can be consider news, but my go to for mostly everything I want to verify is Google. However I can’t give up reading a news paper and watching my news shows. I always want to be informed on what’s going on in the world.
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