When it comes to were I go on the web I am not usually using a desktop. I've been stuck with the unfortunate circumstance of living outside the serviceable area for home internet and cable companies, thus i am limited to a cell signaled internet with a data allowance. Because of this, I end up using my phone for all of my internet needs whether that be basic browsing or watching movies
When I boot up my Cellphone, go through the rounds of checking emails, text messages, and general notifications for anything important or noteworthy. After this, I end up perusing through the various social media apps such as: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, etc.. However, this isn't why your'e here. this blog is about where we go on the web. And that my friends, is where I introduce you to my personal favorite: Imgur.
This little website was an offshoot of the Content sharing website, (also self proclaimed " Front Page of the Internet"), Reddit. The basics of the website is simple: users upload images with their descriptions and titles, the community then can comment and provide feedback in "Upvotes"...
... And the infamous "Downvote"
These five the post points, which then decide if the post is "Trending" and becomes seen by more people. Because of this, I often times see posts on Facebook and the like, that originated on Imgur weeks ago. I find it fascinating that something one person posted in the comfort of their bathroom, can be seen by thousands of people, even popular figures and important people. While I use Facebook, Instagram, etc... I prefer Imgur over all of the others simply because the soul of the website is to entertain. A lot of websites try to be all things to all people, but if you are just looking for a good laugh or an inside joke to be a part of , then I highly recommend my little corner of the internet as the place I go when I am on the Web.
This post made me laugh and I was excited to see the gifs and how they interacted with the texts. You have a great "eye" for blog writing, and I like how you balanced this post out between text and image. Blogs really have to have content, and images can also attract readers from skimming to reading--to see how those images really work in the text. Great discussion of Imgur and Reddit!
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with Julie. You have a talent for blogging. You should definitely develop your own one after this. I feel like if you worked on it, it would become very popular. The gifs you used were HILARIOUS! I was reading the blogs at work on my down time and when I started laughing my co workers looked at me like I was crazy. I really enjoyed your post. Thank You!
ReplyDeleteI definitely have to second that notion. Blogging just may be your niche because I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post. Not going to lie when I saw how long it was I was not trying to read all of it. But once I started reading I was already at the end and thinking to myself "that's it?" I had read thru the entire post and not realized it. I think you have a way of keeping readers engaged and that's pretty cool. I look forward to reading your next post!
ReplyDeleteI love the fact that you use references in your post. It draws so much attention along with the gifs. I recently checked out imgur after reading your post. I am a little addicted to it because they have funny post.
ReplyDeleteIt definitely was a stubborn mule to get those gifs in there, I had to add lines to the html code in order to allow the gifs to play. Imgur is very gif oriented, where users have "Gif wars" and there are trends of memes and gifs. Ill definitely share more and integrate more gifs in my posts.