Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Deyzaney's Introduction

 Where do I like to go on the web.

I love the web. Most of the time when I like to go on the web, it is usually the app of the website. If I plan on surfing the web, I most likely would be using google or using blackboard for school.

I would say right now my favorite app or website is YouTube! I think YouTube is probably one of the best websites created. I YouTube everything, literally. I use YouTube for always learning to figure out how to do something, because I am a visual learner. I love YouTube so much I also watch a lot of vlogs of peoples lives, which are like blogs but videos.
Other places I like to go on the web is Tumblr and Pinterest. Since I am a photographer tumblr and pinterest is a place where I can see pictures, get inspired, and post my photos as well. I also like to go to the Octobers Very Own website which is where Drake Grapham, who is one of my favorite artist, and his artist post new music, tours, and etc..
Last but definitely not least, I am in the process of creating my own website. The website that I am creating is for my photography and I could spend hours on it. This is one website that has definitely became one that I spend a lot of my time on.
I love the web so much, I decided to create my own.

Hope you Enjoy!


  1. Hey Deyzaney,
    Which apps for which websites are your favorites? YouTube? I'm right there with you. I do YouTube most everything, too. My husband actually watched a video on that website that showed him how to change our car's oil and the air compressor. We saved $800--talk about a great tool for learning and self-improvement.
    Since I'm an old fogie and listen to 70s rock, is Drake Grapham "Drake"? The one who Madonna tried to make out with? I hope that I learn more about culture from all of you--I'm hopeless! By the way--what's the website with your photography?

  2. Hey Dezaney!
    First, thanks for commenting on my blog.
    Second, I love youtube as you know. I go on there to learn how to play songs on my piano and flute. It also teaches me handy work stuff... which my dad... isn't the best at :D

  3. Hey Dezaney!
    First, thanks for commenting on my blog.
    Second, I love youtube as you know. I go on there to learn how to play songs on my piano and flute. It also teaches me handy work stuff... which my dad... isn't the best at :D

  4. I absolutely 100 percent agree with you that YouTube is one of the best website ever created. Without YouTube, people cannot listen to their favorite music, watch their videos, or doing other things. I love photography as well, too bad that I didn't taken in high school because I was in art major and there's no space adding one more course. I would like to see your website and talk about your photography if you have the time to talk about it.
